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Publikationen 2015

Publikationen 2015

Simon ST, Altfelder N, Alt-Epping B, Bausewein C, Weingärtner V, Voltz R, Ostgathe C, Radbruch L, Lindena G, Nauck F (2016) Charakteristika von Palliativpatienten mit Atemnot – Ergebnisse der deutschlandweiten Hospiz- und Palliativerhebung Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, 2016: 141:e87-e95

Ostgathe C, Maier BO (2015) Therapy of Cancer-Related Pain und Cancer-Therapy Related Pain. In Palliative Care in Oncology. Alt-Epping F, Nauck F (eds). Springer Berlin Heidelberg 1. Edition: 59-79

Ostgathe C (2015) Ärztlich Assistierter Suizid – Reflexionen eines Palliativmediziners. In: Wem gehört das Sterben – Sterbehilfe und assistierter Suizid; Höfling S, Rösch E (Hrsg.), Argumente und Materialien zum Zeitgeschehen 99: 11-16

Stiel S, Heckel M, Seifert A, Frauendorf T, Hanke RM, Ostgathe C (2015) Comparison of terminally ill cancer- vs. non-cancer patients in specialized palliative home care in Germany - A single service analysis. BMC Palliative Care; Jul 25;14:34

Stiel S*, Heckel M*, Bussmann S, Weber M, Ostgathe C (2015) End-of-life research with bereaved informal caregivers - Analysis of recruitment strategy and participation rate from a multi-centre validation study. BMC Palliative Care, May 2;14:21
* beide Autoren trugen zu gleichen Teilen zum Manuskript bei

Heckel M*, Bussmann S*, Stiel S, Weber M, Ostgathe C (2015) Validation of the German Version of the Quality of Dying and Death Questionnaire for Informal Caregivers (QoDD-D-Ang). Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 50(3):402-13
* beide Autoren trugen zu gleichen Teilen zum Manuskript bei

Hermel M, Monhof K, Steinfeld A, Salla S, Hamsley N, Walter P, Stiel S (2015) The role of specific communications training amongst factors influencing consent for cornea donation requested via telephone. Transplantation, 99(10):2223-9

Pestinger M, Stiel S, Elsner F, Widdershoven G, Voltz R, Nauck F, Radbruch L (2015) The desire to hasten death: Using Grounded Theory for a better understanding “When perception of time tends to be a slippery slope”. Palliative Medicine, 29(8):711-9

Kötzsch F, Stiel S, Heckel M, Ostgathe C, Klein C (2015) Care trajectories and survival after discharge from specialized inpatient palliative care-results from an observational follow-up study. Support Care Cancer. 2015 Mar;23(3):627-34

Heckel M, Stiel S, Ostgathe C (2015) Smell and taste in palliative care - a systematic analysis of literature. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Feb;272(2):279-88

Romotzky V, Galushko M, Düsterdiek A, Obliers R, Albus C, Ostgathe C, Voltz R (2015) “It’s not that easy” - Medical students'  fears and barriers in end-of-life communication. Journal of Cancer Education,30 ( 2 ) pp. 333 – 339